New Bill to Protect Warehouse Workers

Recently, the New York State legislature passed the Warehouse Worker Injury Reduction Program which aims to minimize the risk of musculoskeletal injuries and disorders among warehouse workers. The bill was passed in response to the high rate of injuries warehouse workers sustain.

If signed by Governor Hochul, this bill would require employers of one hundred or more employees to establish numerous safety measures.

The following are some of the required measures:

Injury Reduction Program

Covered employers must provide an injury reduction program that includes: worksite evaluations; control of exposures that have caused or have the potential to cause musculoskeletal injuries; employee training; on-site medical and first aid practices; and employee involvement.

Written Work Site Evaluation

Each process or work activity shall have a written work site evaluation by a qualified ergonomist who will evaluate the risk factors and possibilities of musculoskeletal injuries and disorders. The ergonomist should consider risk factors such as rapid pace, forceful exertions, and awkward postures that may cause injuries.

Injury Reduction Training

Injury reduction training must be given to employees during normal work hours and in a language that the workers understand. Some of the items that the training must include are the early symptoms of musculoskeletal injuries and disorders and the importance of early detection; musculoskeletal injury and disorder risk factors at work, including the hazards posed by excessive rates of work; and the employer’s program to identify risk factors and prevent musculoskeletal injuries and disorders.

Medical Office and Consultation with Employees

Any on-site medical office that sees workers with musculoskeletal injuries or disorders shall be staffed with medical professionals operating within their legal scope of practice.

Employers must also ensure that employees and their representatives are consulted both before and during the development and application of the program.

If you have any questions or concerns about New York’s warehouse protection laws, please contact Chaim Book at, Sheryl Galler at, or Nadav